CBA14 - Adaptation Technology Discussion Forum

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0-1 - climate adaptation.

How can technology be used to bring about adaptation at scale – either across a sector, in a region or nationally? 

How can technologies support national climate policies and plans, NbS, mobilising investment and finance at community level , and enable young people to thrive? 

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20200229 093942 - climate adaptation.

To @Rebecca Mann Its through streamlining data sharing sytem and the technology mobilitty in the economic planning of diffrent countries. The stake holders need to welcome the innovativeness and creative thinking in place and support it by actions for effectivess.

Advocacy and inclusion is very key in mobilization using data sharing systems in place and mobilization is at ease to bring on board categories like the youth, the tean mothers/woemn, PWDs, the technocrats mention it.

Very interesting comment! The role of good quality public data is key to developing appropriate policies and holding government accountable.

I wonder what the processes are for taking new technologies and systems - like data sharing - and getting them to a position where they can inform policies on a day to day basis. Is it just about lack of funds? Or political will as well?

photo-xtine - climate adaptation.

Absolutely, effective data sharing systems are so important in promoting access to relevant information on policy actions thus supporting policy advocacy and implementation of policy actions. This makes it critical to invest and integrate data sharing systems in planning. Its also important to support technical capacity enhancement at the national level to ensure effective management of the data systems.