All articles for the topic: flood management

Semi arid part of Iran

Spreading floodwaters in Iran

People in arid areas around the world innovate with water conservation, especially rainwater harvesting. One such is the Fars Province in Iran, a desert landscape. Since 1983, an extraordinary programme of floodwater harvesting has been implemented that has turned area lush green. This programme has turned silt-laden floods into an asset. It has been combined with upstream water management to control the salinity in the Helleh River

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Image Credits/Crédits d'images: Institut des Métiers de la Ville

Urban agriculture

This article provides an overview of the different types of urban agriculture in African countries.  These can provide livelihoods, nutritious meals, cooling and flood mitigation/alleviation. The aim is to collect case studies to provide concrete examples for learning and upscaling. 

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