Innovation, evaluation, learning and behaviour change

Adaptation will be a collective effort, meaning that many people from various sectors and levels will have to collaborate. Adaptation is thus essentially an innovation and change process. This is not always straightforward, and many aspects of human psychology and social group behaviour play in. To complement a focus on technical measures we therefore need to better understand how human societies can learn to change and adapt. How do we create a learning environment in our organisations and societies to support change, innovation and ultimately adaptation?  How do we evaluate current actions to improve them? In this section we will gather different lessons on how actors have triggered and managed change. These lessons are often linked to socio-cultural aspects and resonate with deeply held human values and norms.

We will expand this section with the following topics:

  • The changing of awareness
  • Personal competencies and attitudes
  • The collaborative learning process (problem identification, deliberation, etc.)
  • Enabling environments for learning
  • Triggers for behaviour change, nudges etc.

We are looking for your stories and cases, please submit them here.